Healing Circle Singers,
Wed. 4:30-5:30 PM
Healing Circle Singers,
Wed. 4:30-5:30 PM

All are welcome here to share the blessings and burdens which life inevitably brings, personally and in the wider world. Through centering and intention we open our hearts to give and receive support. Strong vibrations are created when singing in harmony. In the safety of this circle, all sharing is held with respect and confidentiality. Honoring all spiritual paths, each person brings his or her own perspective to the focused hands-on time. We sing traditional songs and new music written by Helen Fortier.

Newly available: Healing Circle Singers: So-You-Can-Do-It-Too Manual and CD (with 9 healing songs.) Everything you need to start your own circle! Only $10. Word has it that new circles are starting in Columbia, South America and Florida, thanks to this little set! To order just write to: dcresswell321@gmail.com
Other CDs with more of Helen Fortier's music (some with ONE JOURNEY) are available for $15 each, $12 for 2 or more:
I Still Believe
Encompass Me
Anywhere I Go
Another Way of Seeing
I'll Be Lifted
Leave It Open
For Encompass Me downloads, go to: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/onejourney for Encompass Me downloads!
Call 413-668-4189, write to: helencfortier@yahoo.com
or use the form in "Contact Us" page.

Wednesdays 4:30-5:30